HOBOS Forschungsprojekt - Warum sterben die Bienen?

HOBOS Forschungsprojekt - Warum sterben die Bienen?
Autorin: Jana Kühner
Betreuer: Roland Biernacki
The following work is based on a lesson, which is constructed for 6th grade secondary school, which tries to provide answers to the following question: What are the reasons for the increasing bee-mortality?
The first part of the thesis deals with the importance of honey bees food supply, our eco-system as well as for ecological interrelationships. Moreover the dangerous influences of factors as the Varroa mite, pesticides, especially neonicotinoids, and monocultures are discussed. The central purpose is to make students aware of the alarming situation for honeybees and motivate them to take action in order to secure the pollinators.
Other points which are discussed in this thesis are teaching methods. A striking feature of this lesson is that the students work in small groups on their own and only with the guidance of an online presentation (Prezi). Therefore the teacher’s role can be defined as preparer, manager and controller, as his job is to provide the material, manage the class and control the children’s processes.
Moreover social skills are practiced with group work. For this reason the class has to be subdivided into groups of three to four students in order to fulfil all the exercises together. It can be helpful to mix up the children depending on their skills and knowledge, in order to create a cooperative learning situation.
Additionally digital competences are improved thanks to the use of tablets. Taking into account the extending importance of media for our generation, this can be very reasonable.
During the lesson the students do not only process their work-sheets but also do establish, within their individual group, a Concept Map in order to organize their own ideas as well as the factors, which are presented in the lesson.