Course advisory service
PD Dr. Ulrich Terpitz
- Academic advisor
- Chair of the examination committee (e. g. transfer of grades and credits from other programmes, advising for students considering a change of subjects or programmes, confirmation of examination achievements)
- Degree programme coordinator for Bachelor’s/Master’s programmes (organisation of assessments and degree programmes, room scheduling, evaluations, expansion planning)
- Member of the thesis committee (Promotionsausschuss) and the Habilitation committee of the Faculty
- BaFöG officer of the Faculty (assessment and confirmation of a student’s eligibility for financial assistance under the German Federal Training Assistance Act)
- Presentation of biology as a degree subject at schools/job centers, BioLogisch, seminars for pupils etc.
- Teaching at elementary and advanced levels
- Research
Dr. Michael Riedel
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
Dr. Ulrike Rapp-Galmiche
Fachgruppe Didaktik Biologie
Matthias-Lexer-Weg 25

- Management of teaching degree programmes in biology Unterrichtsfach or vertieft studiertes Fach (subject studied with a focus on the scientific discipline)/Didaktikfach (subject studied with a focus on teaching methodology) (organisation of degree programmes, room scheduling, class schedule, organisation and administration of assessments, assessment deadlines, allocation of places on biology didactics modules and biology modules for teaching degree students)
- Advising relating to teaching degree programmes in biology
- Chair of the degree subject committee for teaching degree programmes
- Deputy chair of the examination committee for teaching degree programmes in biology (accreditation of examination achievements, examination regulations, advising for students considering a change of degree programmes, degree programme coordinator for teaching degree programmes in biology)
- Member of the degree subject committee for Bachelor’s/Master’s programmes in biology
- Representative of the Faculty on university committees on teacher training (e. g. Service Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (ZiLS), work placement offices, interfaculty committees)
- Contact for questions related to the self-documentation of the teaching degree programme in biology (all school types)
- Coordination of the annual survey among first-semester students (Bachelor’s and teaching degree programmes in biology)
- Public relations related to teaching degree programmes in biology (advising for first-semesters and prospective students)
Dr. Sabine Gerstner
Matthias-Lexer-weg 25
Sprechzeiten: n.V.

- Advising on issues related to biology didactics for students studying for a teaching degree Grundschule, Mittelschule, Realschule, Förderschule, or Gymnasium
- Coordinator of the Teaching-Learning-Lab
- Member of the management team of the University’s M!ND-Center (Center for Mathematics, IT, and Natural Sciences Didactics)
- Chair of the examination committee for teaching degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Biology
Laura Halbey
Mo - Mi 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr und
Do 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
URLAUB: 11. - 22. Juli

PD Dr. Alois Palmetshofer
Vorsitzender Studienfachkommission
Sprecher der Konferenz Biologischer Fachbereiche (KBF)
Karrierekoordinator / Qualitätsbeauftragter
Beauftragter für die Belange von Studierenden mit Behinderung und chronischen Erkrankungen
Fachk. StrSchG, GenTG, TierSchG, QMF (TÜV)
Trainer & Berater Führungskräfteentwicklung AFW GmbH

Service Center BioCareers
The Service Center BioCareers helps biological sciences students and graduates plan and launch their careers. It offers assistance and advice, in consultation with potential employers, to help improve the career prospects of biology students; equips students with general transferable skills; helps students approaching graduation explore career options and prepare for their future careers; serves as contact for students interested in one of a variety of international scholarship and grant programmes; engages in efforts to bring together and maintain a network of alumni/contacts in the biosciences sector; organises a series of information events for students pursuing a career in the biosciences; helps students in and graduates of Diplom, Bachelor’s, and Master’s programmes find jobs or placements in the public and private sectors in Germany and abroad; acts as liaison between the University and potential employers to help make sure biological sciences students and graduates are equipped with the skills employers seek in new hires.
Laura Colón
Office Hours
Monday to Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Thursday: 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.